Keyless Entries: A Look at the Advantages of Keypad Locks for Landlords and Lease Agents

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Part of a landlord’s job is to provide a safe and secure home for their tenants. It is one of the most crucial things they do because they must protect their renters and property. The thought of someone breaking into a house and stealing is scary. It is also terrifying to think that they might harm the people inside.

Landlords often secure their rentals with security cameras, alarms, and doors with double locks. It can get pretty expensive, but it is all worth it. You might not have heard about it, but some property owners have switched to having keypad locks on their doors.

Keypad or electronic locks are beginning to replace the traditional locks we have. The customary ones we use are prone to being picked open by home intruders, which is why people are changing them. Some well-known companies, such as Yale and Schlage, have been selling them. In my opinion, digital locks show far we’ve come with technology. But please don’t think that is the only upside because there’s more.

Scheduled locking and unlocking

Business establishments with fixed hours can benefit from the keypad locks because they can set a scheduled time. It will regulate the accessibility of the employees and avoid any unnecessary entry after business hours. For homeowners, scheduled locking comes in handy during nighttime. They won’t have to worry about forgetting to lock the doors because it will do it for them. It will save them time and effort to go through every lock in the house.

Going keyless

You may or may not have experienced it, but some people tend to forget their keys. Some are prone to losing them because they have a lot of stuff. With digital locks, they will not need keys at all. Tenants may be able to get in with a passcode and avoid all the searches for keys in their bags. It will also come in handy when rushing in and out of their house. If they forgot their PIN, that’s another story because they would need to reset it.


Traditional locks can wear out over time. They can get damaged because of frequent use. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about when I say some locks need maneuvering to get them open. Some people also have to deal with getting their keys jammed into the keyhole. They won’t experience that with keypad locks because it requires punching a few buttons.

More secured

As I’ve said, some intruders know how to pick or bump a lock, making it easier for them to break into a house. Having a keypad lock on the door means they cannot get in unless they can figure out the password, which is highly unlikely.

Safe for children

Some kids come home from school before their parents do. They have their set of keys to get into the house. But if they lost or misplaced their keys, they would have to stay outside until someone let them in. It poses a risk to their safety. But if the landlord installed a keypad lock, they can access their home where it is safer. It will automatically lock once they get inside, making it more secure.

If you think about it, having a feature like this is an advantage. It will help you stand out from all the other listings online. When you post your property ads on Padleads and syndicate them to other websites, you can include having electronic locks. It will make the rental property look more modern and up-to-date.

Some landlords may not have considered using keypad locks yet, but they should. There are benefits to using them, as you can see. You can give them your input for the rental properties. Who knows? You might make them change their minds.

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