The Leasing Agent’s Guidebook on Writing Ads and Getting them Noticed

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The first step in acquiring tenants is putting up an ad. People would not become aware of any vacancies if landlords and agents did not advertise, am I right? And I am not talking about posting a few pictures and writing a dull ad. I mean an excellent property listing that will catch people’s attention. Imagine putting up a poorly worded ad on the internet among hundreds of listings. It will lessen your chances of getting people interested.

In case you did not know yet, there are things you can do to make a property listing stand out. Remember that people should take notice, but how? Well, you have to keep on reading to find out. But first, you should pair your listings with a good website. I’m talking about using Padleads as your go-to online page where you can post your property listings. And if that doesn’t convince you, Padleads will also let you syndicate those listings to other websites. You would have more chances of getting tenant applicants.

Factors that make a convincing rental listing:

In this age of technology, people rely heavily on the internet to look for almost everything they need, including homes. And that is why you should put up detailed ads to pique their interest. Here are a few things that your listing should have:


When people search websites, they don’t immediately get their information in one click. They look at the titles and choose the ones they think have their needs. You have to make your titles eye-catching with a little bit of information.


When you make a rental description, you have to highlight the best features, upgrades, and businesses in the area. You have to sell the idea of the property and neighborhood at the same time.

Virtual Tours

With the pandemic, some agents find doing virtual tours helps market their vacancies. You may want to consider doing it, too. Several apps and programs can help you with it.


You should include the rental price and additional fees, such as pet fees and security deposits.

High-Quality Pictures

A picture paints a thousand words, so imagine having ten or more photos. You should make sure to use the ones with the best quality, good lighting, and are not dull. You can also upload the pictures in the order of how a real tour would go because it will make them look forward to going through the photos.

Writing a rental ad:

When people go through rental ads, they want to see specific details that will help them decide on a property. Let me tell you how to write one.

Basic details

I know I said to make the ad eye-catching, but do not forget the primary and crucial details. It should include the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, area size, and type of structure. Missing information may lessen someone’s interest in the ad.


Potential tenants want to see a concise description of the rental. They want to know about the features such as multiple rooms, modern appliances, or security gadgets. Put anything you think will impress the tenants and make them consider living in the rental. If you have a vacancy in an apartment building, you can write about the common areas that will be helpful to them. For example, the building has an in-house laundry area, a fitness gym, and a swimming pool.

What to avoid:

You have to keep in mind that property listings are formal. You can’t use emojis or multiple exclamation points to get their attention. You should also avoid posting in all capital letters because you will give the impression of being intense or angry. It is also good to use the correct sentence structure and grammar. All I’m saying is, keep it professional.

Now that you’ve reached this part, I’m confident you can make an impressive property listing on your own. Why don’t you test it out right now?

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