When Can Landlords Evict Tenants in Canada? Answers for Leasing Agents

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One of the hardest things landlords do is evict their tenants. Believe me when I say that no landlord would want to kick someone out of their home. However, some circumstances would need the intervention. It is your job to find the perfect tenants who would never do anything to break the rules, but some things are out of your control.

The landlord cannot evict a tenant immediately, though. It is fair to inform the tenants and give them a chance to correct their faults. They might only need a reminder to follow the lease agreement.

You have to let the tenants know why the landlord would evict them. Read on to find out when a landlord can evict a tenant because these things will warn your tenants what not to do during their lease.

Paying the rent late or not paying at all

The landlord will not gain profit if the tenant constantly misses their payments. The rent also covers the costs for maintenance and repairs. It keeps the business going, and the landlord cannot afford a tenant who refuses to pay.

Causes damages or does illegal acts

A landlord should not have to worry about tenants causing problems all the time. If the renters purposely wreck the property or use it for illegal deeds, the property owner could do without them.

Disturbing other tenants

Apartment buildings can have a lot of tenants, and some of them are louder than others. You can’t expect everyone to have a quiet household, but there is a thing as “too much noise.” If the other tenants persistently complain about a specific unit, the landlord would have to deal with it.

Property owner needs the property for other uses or extensive renovation.

Sometimes the property owner would want to stop renting out the building. They might need it for personal reasons, or a family member will use it. The landlord might want to do a significant renovation and render the unit uninhabitable. These reasons would require the tenant to move out, but they should receive notice ahead of time.

Having too many people living in the unit

The Canadian National Occupancy Standards sets the standard for overcrowding inside a property in Canada. A landlord can evict tenants who let too many people live with them.

According to the standard:

• Children under 5 years of age can stay in one room.
• Adult couples need a separate bedroom.
• Anyone above the age of 18 should have a bedroom. If there are 2 adults on a property, there should be 2 rooms.
• The occupants between the ages of 5-18 can share a bedroom with a same-gender sibling.


The landlords should follow the correct way of evicting tenants. The process follows a series of steps that will legally remove the renters from the property. First, they have to apply with The Landlord and Tenant Board. They would schedule a hearing to determine if the tenant should leave the unit or not. The landlords should remember that only the Sheriff can physically evict the tenant.

The tenants can question the grounds for eviction, especially if they know their rights. Landlords should make sure their reason to kick a tenant out is valid because they might get sued. You can also check the landlords’ and tenants’ rights and responsibilities online to guide you.

Speaking of going online, you can also check out this fabulous website you can definitely use. If you sign up for Padleads, you can post property listings and have them syndicated to other web pages. You can look for tenants using that, and the landlords will have no problem replacing the evicted ones.

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